31 de January de 2022

Deep Fried of Seville & Andalucia

If deep fried of Seville is local, it's better for good health!

Pescaito From Seville Pescaito From Seville

If we talk about the Pescaíto de Sevilla we can mention the marinade, the small pieces of hake, the codfish, the perfect anchovies, the roe, the cuttlefish and the flank... The list could be longer as these are just some of the specialties you will find in Andalusian family dishes or in the bars and restaurants of Seville and the coast: pescaíto frito, always pescaíto de lo bueno.

Seville Deep Fried

We all know that the fish is one of the healthy options when it comes to choosing our food intake. It's perfect for tapas! Delicious in any of its preparations, full of vitamins, proteins and beneficial fats for health, it is a guaranteed success when it lands a good fish on our table. It is also a magnificent source of omega 3, the amount of which will vary, of course, according to each species. But then; the pescaíto, if it is local, even better.

Deep fried is culture

In addition, they will be obvious fish to find, as they are part of the cultural and gastronomic landscape of the villages we can visit. If we say Huelva or Sanlúcar de Barrameda we automatically think of its famous seafood. To its famous Huelva prawns. In the same way that Rota involves the Urta a la roteña and the role that sea urchins play in the festivities that precede the carnival of Cadiz is important.That is, just like El Gazpacho 😀 food is much more than food. It becomes one more piece of the fundamental framework of the culture of a place and, ultimately, one of its identity elements that make it unique and valuable.
picture deep fried in Las Negras (Almería)

Search for the most sustainable pescaíto

Many of the items, products or fruits that we use or eat on any given day come from hundreds, if not thousands of miles away; almost literally from the other side of the world. This involves many things.One of the most important is that there has been a great waste of energy and pollution that we save if we bring to our table products that come from producers closer to us. We will have the advantages of having a 100% local and fresh product, defending the economic activity of these professionals at the same time and we will make our small contribution to the conservation of the planet.The degree of freshness of local products to atterize on the plate in your kitchen or on the table of a restaurant in Seville is incomparable with those who, despite all the care and technical means put into them, cross the world by boat, plane or truck to reach us.

The rights of the video belong to its author

There is nothing better than appreciating quality products for yourself. For example, if during your stay you visit the Triana market in Seville; the variety, the colors, the smells is the infallible bell pepper of life.Normally in traditional markets we find many varieties of product, thus protecting the resources of intensive fishing in a single species and offering many different options when it comes to cooking.Another advantage is traceability, if we know the chain that has taken our product from the beginning to the end we can be aware of all the details that interest us. It is really difficult to know if the right fishing or farming methods are followed, where the product comes from and how it is treated and if it meets the right criteria in all aspects, it is really complicated.

May our fried fish be delicious.

We have not put a little serious and defenders of the planet. Sometimes it is necessary to be one or to think about it.But now it's time to return to our little fish!There are different types of fish with their different peculiarities, but there are also differences in the way they are prepared.In Andalusia we have an enormous production of olive oil of exceptional quality. Our lands constitute thousands of hectares of olive trees that populate our fields and give us such a perfect oil that accompanies us in all our gastronomy.A spectacular way to enjoy a good oil is to make some good pescaítos fritos; fried fish in frying that some have come to call "pescado a la andaluza" (fish fried in Andalusian style).It consists of coating the fish in flour and then frying it. Among the most commonly used are cuttlefish, baby squid, pijotas, whiting, marinated dogfish, red mullet and anchovies.There is nothing better than eating anchovies with a touch of lemon -but very little, since we don't want to cover the flavor-. It is a pleasure hard to resist, especially on a night with good temperature, beers and surrounded by friends. They are usually served on a large tray in the center of the table so that everyone can take as much as they want. A great complement to a lunch or dinner with friends in Andalusia.In Seville we can find a multitude of establishments in which the fish is worked in a sublime way, but as we speak today of the popular character of fried pescaíto frito it is necessary to recommend local. Depending on where you are, whether for tapas, lunch or dinner, we recommend these three places.-If you are in the vicinity of the Plaza de España or the Santa Cruz neighborhood, do not hesitate to approach the vicinity of the church of Santa María la Blanca and your sense of smell will guide you to the Puerta de la Carne frying house.-In case you are walking around Triana, the Reina Victoria frying house in Rodrigo de Triana street is your place. Tradition in a magical setting such as Triana, cartridge of pescaíto and a walk along the Guadalquivir. how to resist?-Seville does not end in the new square, it is full of charming places. Among them are those that are a little further north, in the neighborhood of the Macarena we can find the frying La Pastora, with candles where you can taste their menu.

El Pescaíto de Sevilla, sin duda, es el gran protagonista gastronómico de la Feria. Los asistentes se reúnen en las casetas para la inauguración oficial de la "Cena del Pescaito". Se trata de una cena que tiene lugar en las horas previas al "alumbrao" de la portada y el Real, normalmente en torno a la medianoche. La estrella de esta cena es el "Pescaito" frito, como su nombre indica.

Also, if you are interested, check our gastronomic offer: