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25 poems by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer.
A fascinating and captivating collection of poems by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer.

Gustavo Adolfo Becquer, The True Poet
Gustavo Adolfo Becquer is one of the world's greatest poets. His works have been internationally acclaimed and he is considered the national poet of Spain. Renowned Spanish poet wrote mostly love poems. He often used simple language with a rhythm that made his poems easy to read and memorize..
Gustavo Adolfo Becquer, The True Poet
Gustavo Adolfo Becquer is one of the world's greatest poets. His works have been internationally acclaimed and he is considered the national poet of Spain. Renowned Spanish poet wrote mostly love poems. He often used simple language with a rhythm that made his poems easy to read and memorize..
Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, the Poet of Love
Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer was born on February 17, 1836 in Seville and died on December 22, 1870 at the age of 34 in Madrid.
He is still one of the most current poets of the period called "romanticism"..
The influence of this famous poet reaches even today, being indispensable to read him in our free moments.s.
His work is widely known and he achieved, like many, widespread fame after his death. His family was noble. On his father's side, he descended from the Beckers, a noble merchant family of Flemish origin, who settled in the Andalusian capital in the sixteenth century; their prestige is reflected in the fact that since 1622 they had one of the chapels and the tomb in the cathedral itself. Both Gustavo Adolfo and his brother, the painter Valeriano Bécquer, used Bécquer as their first name in the signatures of their works.
He wrote about his own life and influenced many writers of other eras, and he continues to influence the young writers and poets of today.
Becquert's childhood
His father (José Domínguez Bécquer) died in 1841. During this time, Bécquer was abandoned by his mother (Joaquina Bastida) in an orphanage at an early age. He lost his father at the age of five and his mother died six years later.
After the death of his parents, his life was greatly compensated by the love he received from the rest of his family, especially from his godmother, Manuela Moneja Moreno, and by Becker's permanent activity in painting, writing and music.
Gustavo began his education at the Abad de San Antonio School. In 1846 he enrolled as a student at the Colegio de San Telmo. He spent a few months in Toledo with his godmother, Manuela Monnehay Moreno, and his uncle Joaquin Dominguez Becquer.
He was also sent to a private school for boys in Toledo, where he was a serious case of tuberculosis, the disease first appeared in 1857. Bécquer began to flirt with letters and rhymes and write short stories about his life.
Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer Born in Seville
Born in Seville on February 17, 1836.. Spanish poet who wrote mainly love poetry and is considered one of the greatest Spanish poets of all time. Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer is a great example of a poet who used his craft to explore the human condition. His work is often described as tragic and existentialist, with themes of loneliness and isolation. Bécquer's poetry was largely inspired by nature, especially in the countryside near his home in Seville, and his most influential work is one known to all: "Poemas y Leyendas" which is highly recommended for any lover of the genre.
His real name was Gustavo Adolfo Claudio Domínguez Bastida. As his father's third surname, Bécquer, from a Flemish ancestor, used it to sign his writings.
Which is Bécquer's most famous poem?
His most famous work is undoubtedly Rhymes and Legends, a compilation of his poems and stories. Today, the latter is considered one of the classics and must-haves of Hispanic literature..
And the poet Bécquer's most famous poem is the acclaimed Rima LII (Volverán las oscuras golondrinas/The dark swallows will return)
Rima LIIThe dark swallows will return
on your balcony their nests to hang,
and again with the wing to its crystals
playing they will call.
But those that the flight restrained
your beauty and my happiness to contemplate,
those who learned our names,
those... won't come back!
The bushy honeysuckles will return
from your garden the walls to climb
and again in the evening even more beautiful
its flowers will open.
But those dewy curds
whose drops we watched tremble
and fall like tears of the day....
those... won't come back!
They will return from love in your ears
the burning words to sound,
your heart from its deep sleep
maybe he'll wake up.
But mute and absorbed and kneeling,
as God is worshiped before his altar,
as I have loved you..., undeceive yourself,
so they won't love you!
25 Poems of Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer
We have then chosen the best poems and rich rhymes of Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer : 25 great poems by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, which are undoubtedly very interesting and full of romanticism.
1. Rhyme XXV
When in the night they surround you
The tulle wings of dreams
and your stretched eyelashes
they resemble ebony bows,
to listen to the heartbeat
of your restless heart
and recline your sleep
head on my chest
give, my soul,
how much i own
the light, the air
and thought!
When your eyes lock
in an invisible object
and your lips illuminate
of a smile the reflection,
for reading on your forehead
the quiet thought
what passes like the cloud
of the sea on the wide mirror,
give, my soul,
how much i want,
the fame, the gold,
the glory, the genius!
When your tongue mutes
and your breath rushes,
and your cheeks burn
and you narrow your black eyes,
to see between your eyelashes
shine with wet fire
the fiery spark that springs
from the volcano of desires,
give, my soul,
as long as i wait,
faith, spirit,
the earth, the sky.
2. The dark swallows will return (it is by many, as mentioned before, Bécquer's most famous poem)
The dark swallows will return
on your balcony their nests to hang,
and again with the wing to your crystals
playing they will call.
But those that the flight restrained
your beauty and my happiness to contemplate,
those who learned our names...
those... won't come back!
The bushy honeysuckles will return
from your garden the walls to climb
and again in the evening even more beautiful
its flowers will open.
But those dewy curds
whose drops we watched tremble
and fall like tears of the day...
those... won't come back!
They will return from love in your ears
the burning words to sound,
your heart from its deep sleep
maybe he'll wake up.
But mute and absorbed and on their knees
as God is worshiped before an altar,
as I have loved you... undeceive yourself,
no one will want you.
3. Rhyme XXX
A tear welled up in her eyes
and... my lip a phrase of forgiveness;
pride spoke and wiped away a cry,
and the sentence on my lip expired.
I go one way, she another;
but thinking of our love for each other,
I still say: why did I keep silent that day?
And she will say: Why didn't I cry? It's a matter of words, and yet
neither you nor me ever,
after what happened we will agree
whose fault is it
Too bad I love a dictionary
have nowhere to find
when pride is just pride
and when it's dignity!
4. Rhyme XLV
In the key of the arch bad insurance
whose stones time reddened,
rough chisel work campeaba
the gothic coat of arms.
Granite Helm Plume of Hers,
the ivy that hung all around
shaded the shield in which a hand
I had a heart.
To contemplate him in the deserted plaza
we both stopped.
And, that, she told me, is the cabal emblem
of my constant love.
Alas, it's true what she told me then:
true than the heart
you will carry it in your hand... anywhere...
but not on the chest.
5. What is poetry?
What is poetry?, you say while nailing
in my pupil your blue pupil.
What is poetry! And you ask me?
Poetry... it's you.
6. LVI Rhyme
Today like yesterday, tomorrow like today
and always the same!
A gray sky, an eternal horizon
and walk... walk.
Moving to the beat like a fool
machine the heart;
the clumsy intelligence of the brain
asleep in a corner.
The soul, which covets a paradise,
looking for him without faith;
fatigue without object, wave that rolls
ignorant why.
Voice that incessant with the same tone
sing the same song,
monotonous drop of water falling
and falls endlessly.
So the days slip by
one another in pursuit,
today the same as yesterday... and all of them
without joy or pain.
Oh! Sometimes I remember sighing
of the old suffer!
Bitter is the pain but even
to suffer is to live!
7. Rhyme I
I know a giant and strange anthem
that announces an aurora in the night of the soul,
and these pages are from that hymn
cadences that the air dilates in the shadows.
I would like to write to you, about the man
taming the rebellious petty language,
with words that were at once
sighs and laughter, colors and notes.
But it is in vain to fight; that there is no figure
able to lock him up, and just oh! beautiful!
if having yours in my hands
I could sing it to your ear alone.
8. Rhyme II
Arrow that flyer
crosses, thrown at random,
and you don't know where
trembling she will nail;
leaf that dries up from the tree
the gale snatches away,
without anyone hitting the groove
where it will return to dust.
Giant wave than the wind
curls and pushes in the sea
and rolls and passes and ignores
what a beach you are looking for.
Light that in trembling fences
shines close to expiring,
and that is not known about them
which the last one will be.
That's me who by chance
I cross the world without thinking
Where do I come from or where?
my steps will carry me.
9. Sighs are air and go into the air
Sighs are air and they go to the air!
Tears are water and go to the sea!
Tell me, woman: when love is forgotten,
Do you know where it goes?
10. Rhyme XXIII
For one look, one world,
for a smile, a sky,
for a kiss... I don't know
What would I give you for a kiss.
11. Rhyme LXVII
How beautiful it is to see the day
crowned with fire rise up,
and his fire kiss
shine the waves and ignite the air!
How beautiful it is after the rain
of the sad Autumn in the bluish afternoon,
of the wet flowers
the perfume aspire until satiated!
How beautiful it is when flaked
the silent white snow falls,
of the restless flames
see the reddish tongues wriggle!
How beautiful it is when there is sleep
sleep well... and snore like a sochanter...
and eat... and gain weight... and what a fortune
that this alone is not enough!
12. Rhyme XXVI
I'm going against my interest to confess it,
nonetheless, my darling,
I think like you that an ode is only good
of a bank note written on the back.
There will be no lack of a fool who upon hearing it
make crosses and say:
Woman at the end of the nineteenth century
material and prosaic... Nonsense!
Voices that make four poets run!
that in winter muffle themselves with the lyre!
Dogs barking at the moon!
You know and I know that in this life,
with genius, the one who writes it is very rare,
and with gold anyone makes poetry.
13. Rhyme LVIII
Do you want that delicious nectar?
don't make your dregs bitter?
Well, breathe it in, bring it closer to your lips
and leave him later.
Do you want us to keep a candy
memory of this love?
Well, let's love each other a lot today and tomorrow
Let's say goodbye!
14. Rhyme LXXII
The waves have vague harmony,
the soft scent of violets,
mists of silver the cold night,
light and gold the day,
I something better;
I have Love!
Aura of applause, radiant cloud,
wave of envy that kisses the foot.
Island of dreams where it rests
the anxious soul.
Sweet drunkenness
Glory is!
Burning ember is the treasure,
shadow fleeing vanity.
Everything is a lie: the glory, the gold,
what i adore
only true:
So the boatmen went by singing
the eternal song
and at the stroke of the oar the foam jumped
and the sun struck her.
-Are you embarking? they shouted, and I smiled
I told them in passing:
I have already embarked, by signs that I still have
clothes on the beach hanging to dry.
15. Tired from dancing
Fatigued from the dance,
the color is on, the breath is short,
leaning on my arm
of the hall stopped at one end.
Between the light gauze
that lifted the throbbing breast,
a flower was swaying
in measured and sweet movement.
As in mother-of-pearl cradle
that pushes the sea and caresses the zephyr,
maybe he slept there
to the breath of her parted lips.
Oh! who like that, I thought,
let time slip by!
Oh! if the flowers sleep,
what a sweet dream!
16. Rhyme LV
Amidst the discordant roar of orgy
caressed my ear
like a note of distant music,
the echo of a sigh.
The echo of a sigh I know,
Formed from a breath I've drunk,
perfume of a flower that hides grows
in a gloomy cloister.
My beloved one day, affectionate,
-What are you thinking about? she told me:
-Not at all... -Not at all, and you cry? - It's that I have
joyful sadness and sad wine.
17. Rhyme L
What the savage that with clumsy hand
makes a god out of a trunk at her whim
and then before her work he kneels,
That's what you and I did.
We gave real forms to a ghost,
of the mind ridiculous invention
and made the idol already, we sacrifice
on his altar our love.
18. The Forgotten Harp
Of its owner maybe forgotten,
silent and covered in dust,
the harp could be seen.
How many notes slept on her strings,
as the bird sleeps in the branches,
waiting for the hand of snow
who knows how to tear them off!
Ah!, I thought, how many times the genius
so he sleeps in the depths of his soul,
and a voice like Lazarus awaits
to say "Get up and walk!"
19. Rhyme XLVII
I have peered into the deep chasms
of the earth and the sky,
and I have seen the end or with my eyes
or with thought.
but alas! from one heart I reached the abyss
and leaned in for a moment,
and my soul and my eyes were troubled:
It was so deep and so black!
20. Rhyme XXII
How does that rose that you lit live?
next to your heart?
Never till now I beheld in the world
next to the flower volcano.
21. Rhyme XLIX
I ever meet her around the world
and walk past me
and he passes smiling and I say
How can you laugh?
Then another smile appears on my lip
mask of pain
and then I think: -Perhaps she laughs,
how I laugh.
22. Rhyme XLIV
Like in an open book
I read from your pupils deep down.
Why fake the lip
laughter that is denied with the eyes?
cry! Don't be ashamed
to confess that you loved me a little.
cry! No one's looking at us.
You see; I am a man... and I cry too.
23. XCI Rhyme
The sun may cloud forever;
The sea can dry up in an instant;
The axis of the earth may break
Like a weak crystal.
everything will happen! may death
Cover me with your mournful crape;
But it can never go out in me
The flame of your love.
24. Rhyme XLII
When they told me I felt the cold
of a steel blade in the bowels,
I leaned against the wall, and for a moment
I lost consciousness of where I was.
Night fell on my spirit
in anger and pity the soul was drowned and then I understood why we cry!
And then I understood why you kill yourself!
The cloud of pain passed... with sorrow
I managed to stammer out a few words...
Who gave me the news?... A faithful friend...
He was doing me a big favor... I thanked him.
25. Rhyme XLVIII
As iron is removed from a wound
I ripped her love from the bowels,
although I felt when doing it that life
I was torn with him!
From the altar that I raised in my soul
Will the image of him cast,
and the light of faith that burned in it
before the deserted altar it went out.
Even to combat my steadfast determination
the vision of him tenacious of him comes to my mind...
When can I sleep with that dream
where does dreaming end!
The Bécquer Roundabout Seville
In the Parque María Luisa of Seville, se puede ver la Glorieta de Bécquer mientras se camina por el parque. It is a pleasant place to spend an afternoon. The monument dedicated to the poet Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer es una estructura circular, with a large tree in the middle and a marble monument around the tree. It is decorated with sculptures and a huge cypress tree. The Glorieta de Bécquer Square has three women representing three stages of love. The three women wear traditional 19th century clothing, which gives the piece a romantic atmosphere.
Many couples and individuals carry their poems and other works. The statue is the perfect place to meet someone special. Surrounded by flowers and trees it is the perfect place for a romantic date. It is a beautiful work of art and a wonderful place to spend your time.
The sculpture has been declared an asset of cultural interest and established very close to the Square of Spain., Glorieta de Becquer is a popular tourist destination in Seville where travelers can take a stroll.

What makes Bécquer's poems unique?
Bécquer was a Spanish poet who wrote in the style of romanticism. His poems are often about nature and love.
Adolfo Bécquer's poems are unique because they use many metaphors and similes, which gives them a poetic quality. They also use repetition to create rhythm.
Some of the most famous poems written by the Spanish poet are representative of this style. His poems are unique in that they use many metaphors and similes, giving them a unique poetic quality.
In How many times at the foot of the mosses b>, we can see the beauty of his rhymes. p>LXX
How many times at the foot of the mossy...
How many times at the foot of the mosses
walls that keep it,
I heard the shearing that at midnight
to matins calls!
How many times did she trace my sad shadow?
the silver moon
next to the cypress that of her orchard
peeks through the walls!
When the church was wrapped in shadows,
of its pierced warhead
how many times to tremble on the windows
I saw the glow of the lamp!
Though the wind in the dark corners
from the whistling tower,
of the choir between the voices perceived
her voice vibrant and clear.
On winter nights if a fearful
through the deserted plaza
he dared to cross, when he saw me
the pace quickened.
And there was no lack of an old woman who turned the lathe
say in the morning
that of some sacristan dead in sin
perhaps I was the soul.
In the dark I knew the corners
of the atrium and the cover;
from my feet the nettles that grow there
the traces maybe keep.
The scared owls followed me
with his eyes of flames,
They got to look at me over time
like a good comrade.
By my side without fear the reptiles
they were crawling,
Even the mute granite saints!
I think they were waving at me!

The rights of the video belong to its author
Josefa Espin, the wife of Bécquer
It was the autumn of 1858, when the playwright was walking around Madrid with a friend, also recovering from a serious illness, tuberculosis, at the request of his doctor. On one of these walks, Gustavo Aldofo Bécquer met Julia Espín.
Very tall, dark-skinned but pale, slim, with dark curly hair, wide open brown eyes and above all beautiful. Seeing her on the balcony of his window, it was a ray of love, a crush from the first moment between the two of them.
At that time, Becquert was still trying to fit into Madrid's literary circles and published in some publications, while Julia's relative belonged to the most well-known and reputable musical circles in Madrid, since Julia Espín's father; Joaquín Espín, was the Director of the Choirs of the Royal Theater. As for her mother, Josefina Pérez, she was the niece of the singer Isabella Colbrand.
Bécquer's creativity flourished and he wrote many of his most famous works in her presence while they were together. He made her the protagonist of some verses of his well-known "Rimas y leyendas", or including El sueño de amor. Espín died in 1906, on December 19, 1906 at the age of 68.
After loving and getting to know Julia Espin, Becquer met another young woman named Elisa Guillen. He is deeply in love with Elisa Guillén, who comes from a wealthy family and is very beautiful. This passion makes the poet suffer a lot because it is dominated by bitterness and pain. Elisa soon tires of him, leaves him to find another man and leaves Beszker in despair.
Death of Aldofo Bécquer
Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer died young, at the age of 34., December 22, 1870 in Madrid. He was a Spanish poet, narrator and journalist, considered the pinnacle of Hispanic romanticism and the initiator of contemporary Spanish poetry. Becquer's fame is based on only one book, published posthumously, but he was an influential figure in Spanish literature for his journalism. He is considered one of the Romantic poets most important of all Spanish literature, although not practically all of his poetic work is preserved, according to some of his friends, he wrote many of them on scraps of paper that were lost or thrown away.
Literary work of Aldofo Bécquer
History of the temples of Spain
Literary letters to a woman, letters published in El contemporáneo
Letters from my cell
The Book of Sparrows. The compilation of his "Rhymes" was lost in the manuscript during the "Glorious Revolution" of 1868 and Bécquer with willpower wrote them again, it turned out that the poet called them "poems that I remember from the lost book". >
Legends, published in various magazines before the author's death. Rhymes, posthumous work. Edition of the year 1871 has 76 rhymes. The edition considered definitive contains ten more of the 76 rhymes.
In total, the complete works of Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer include:
- Twenty Legends.
- Ten Letters from my cell.
- Literary letters to a woman.
- The Temples of Toledo.
- Rhymes.
- Poetic pieces of adolescence.
- 15 Literary Essays.
- 24 chronicles on Spanish traditions and customs.
- 19 chronicles on a diverse topic.
- 'Diverse' thoughts.
- 1 Literary Testament.
He was in fact baptized on October 10, 1801 in the parish church of San Lorenzo Mártir in Lima, and his direct descendants, starting with his own father José Domínguez Bécquer, were painters of Andalusian customs, and both Gustavo Adolfo and his brother Valeriano were very gifted in drawing. In fact, Valeriano preferred painting. However, on January 26, 1841, when the young poet was four years old, his father died and his vocation as a painter lost its greatest support.
In conclusion, Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer is considered one of the most important romantic poets of all Spanish literature. His works are recognized for his great poetics and the way he managed to express his feelings in a very special way with the use of lyrical language and metaphors. He was an innovator in his genre and left a legacy that remains unchanged with the passage of time, as it continues to be enjoyed by fans and studied by scholars. Through his poems, we can learn about his innermost thoughts and feelings, as well as better understand the Spanish culture of the 19th century. In addition, due to the impact of his work, many other writers have been inspired by it throughout history and continue to do so today.